Data Protection Notice for the DPMC

I.         Scope of application

This data protection notice applies to the processing of personal data in the connection with the Data Protection Moot Court (the DPMC). For details on the DPMC please see the Rule Book. This notice applies to the processing of personal data related to the following categories of data subjects:

  • Students/recent graduates applying for participation in the DPMC (“Applicants")
  • Students/recent graduates participating in the DPMC (“Participants”)
  • Professionals supporting the Participants with legal expertise (“Coaches”)
  • Individuals affiliated to entities which support the DPMC  (“Sponsors” and “Supporters”)
  • Professionals presiding over the oral hearings of the DPMC (“External Jury Members”) and – if applicable –
  • other persons viewing oral hearings of the DPMC online (“Spectators”)

Data processing in connection with visiting the DPMC's website is not subject to this notice but to the Data Protection Declaration of the University of Vienna (Websites).

II.       Controllers and contact details

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law of the University of Vienna and Klaudia Kwiatkowska, Mariana Alicia Rissetto, Clara Saillant and Marie-Catherine Wagner are joint controllers (Articles 4(7) and 26 GPDR) for the processing of personal data of the data subjects (jointly referred to as the “Controllers” / “we” / “us”). Contact details:

Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law
c/o Data Protection Moot Court
Schenkenstraße 4/2nd floor
1010 Vienna

We enter into contracts with the Participants, the Coaches, the Sponsors, the Supporters and the External Jury Members. These contracts stipulate the details of their respective rights and obligations in the conduct of the DPMC.

III.     Categories of personal data, purpose, legal basis and retention period

We process personal data of data subjects in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in order to perform the respective contract between the data subject and us or to take steps at the request of a data subject prior to entering into such contract. Details:

Data category

Data subjects


Retention period

Information visible in the application documents

Applicants, Participants, Coaches

Assessment of the suitability of the Applicant

6 months after the end of the DPMC

Identity and address data (incl. email address and telephone number)


Identification and communication

6 months after the end of the DPMC

Submissions and notes the oral proceedings


Evaluation of performance of Participants

6 months after the end of the DPMC

Data on the Participants’ performance

External Jury Members, Participants

Evaluation of performance Participants

6 months after the end of the DPMC

Bank Account Data


Handling transactions of financial support, refunds (if any)

According to Austrian tax law (currently 7 years under § 132 BAO)

Information collected in feedback forms after the Moot


Improvement of further editions of the Moot

3 years after the end of the DPMC

IV.     Origin of data, data recipients and data transfers outside the EEA

We collect all data from the data subjects (Article 13 GDPR) themselves or from other data subjects (e.g. External Jury Members evaluating the Participants’ performance in the DPMC, feedback for Coaches by the Participants, etc).

We do not share any data with third parties outside the DPMCwithout a data subject’s prior consent or if required by law.

All data processing takes place within the European Economic Area. Data processing in connection with the use of the video platform for the DPMC’s oral hearings or introductory meetings might entail data transfer to the United States of America, if the used video platform requires such transfers. The Directors will inform the data subjects about the intended video platform and – if applicable – possible data transfers in accordance with Article 13(1)(f) GDPR prior to any video calls.

V.       Necessity of data provision

The provision of the data mentioned in point III. is necessary for the establishment and performance of the respective contract between us and the data subject. Without providing this data, being part of the Moot is not possible.

VI.     Rights of data subjects

Data subjects have the following rights regarding data processing in connection with the DPMC:

  • Access to processed data (Article 15 GDPR);
  • Rectification of inaccurate data (Article 16 GDPR);
  • Erasure, inter alia if the data are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose or have been unlawfully processed (Article 17 GDPR);
  • Restriction of processing, inter alia if the accuracy of the data is contested while we verify it or if the data subejct requires the data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (Article 18 GDPR);
  • Data portability (Article 20 GDPR);
  • Withdrawal of consent (Article 7(3) GDPR).

Any such requests or questions should be addressed to

No automated individual decision-making (Article 22 GDPR) takes place.

In addition, data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR) if they believe that we have violated their rights under the GDPR. In Austria, the competent authority is the Datenschutzbehörde, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna,